Tuesday, July 3, 2007

WHO: my super rookie first day

Wouldn’t you know it rains today. Also…wouldn’t you know I get lost in the bus system. But it’s all good. I make it to the WHO on time. I was somewhat anxious to be there and make a good impression. I mean there has to be some reason for all the hullabaloo. The WHO is located up a beautiful green hill past the fountains of the U.N. Everyone walking into the building is immaculately dressed and security was pretty tight.

I find myself reassured by the orderly spaciousness of the building. So far I don’t have too many responsibilities, and I’m just supposed to get acquainted with the materials of my project: Emergency Preparedness for Seniors. Reading background information helps me realize once again just how overlooked the elderly are in society in general but particularly in the face of natural disaster. Did you know 70% of the deaths in Hurricane Katrina were in the over 60 age group? The view outside my office window is beautifully lush and green with the Swiss mountains in clear view. (Irene sighs in content.)

Things get even better…I am reunited with Ehrine and Alvin today! Oh the joys of fellow UCSF’ers. Ehrine and Alvin came in from an all weekend long trip to Venice, and I'm so happy to see them I want to cry. We also get to hang out with Chris, Jen’s hubby.

Anyway…the pictures on this blogspot take far too long to upload. I will have to refer you to my picasa. Which is also trying to take on the daunting task of displaying many pictures. Perhaps I should be selective.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Hi Irene! Thanks for sharing your amazing blog! I love your writing!

Hope all is well!
