Friday, August 10, 2007

In Pictures!

Hurray for me. I have succeeded in a photo update! Okay, get ready for the captions.

The lovely Lac de Bourget which was a trying 5-hr hike. There is a little abbey at the end of the can see it jutting out on the lakefront.

Me coming down the trail. I really hate the rolling stones on the hiking trails. It's so easy to fall when you're coming down. One of the funny things the HASH group did while hiking this trail was sing French marching songs to keep our pace up. "Un mile a user sa user...un pile a pied ... sa user les solers!" (I probably spelled all of that wrong.)

The hills are alive! This was one of the hills where I saw sheep grazing on my train trip up to the top of...

Roche de Nays! You can even see the mongolian-style hotel tents. These mountains were just gorgeous. I know some of them were the alps..but I'm not sure which ones.

Roche de Nays with Nejma!

Fondue night. Oops...I should have used a flash. The hardest part of preparing fondue was cutting the bread. Whoever did the table setting made a beautiful presentation.

We devoured it! This pictures cracks me up because no one looks particularly happy. We had a rule that if you dropped your bread in the fondue, you had to do 25 push ups. Maybe people felt pressured ^^.

Holla back to the beginning of August. A picture of Claudia, me and Sonja at the BBQ. These two girls are German surgeons y'all. Don't mess!

Another happening on Swiss National Day. The fireworks. I liked seeing them go up right in your face. It happens that I am missing the REAL fireworks which happen tomorrow in honor of the Fete de Gèneve. It's an hour long fireworks show in Europe. I can't complain though...I will be in London...basking in Englishness and all its glories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

장난아니네're having so much fun. :)