Monday, July 9, 2007

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Today is a special day for me. It is the day Ingee was born, 15 years ago. I usually spend the day visiting her with family and remembering her through her art and pictures. But today I felt like there was no one to share it with. It's regrets like these that make me miss home. I've been homesick these past few days, but also in general for most of my summer. I see the PGA tour on TV, and I wish I could play golf. I can't find fat-free milk and I wish I could go to Whole Foods. Let's not even get into friends and family. It seems like leaving always makes me cherish what I have.

It's some kind of sickness...that you (or rather I) don't know what you have until you leave it. I hope that returning to my comforts will not make me forget how much I have missed them! I want to get back from Europe sooner just so I can enjoy the comforts of home for longer~

I also returned from a 4 day vacation to Prague today. What with all the gray weather, I was so eager to be away from Geneva. But by the end of the vacation, I was eager to be back in Switzerland. Funny. So the Prague trip turned out to be a gift that makes me appreciate having a home base in Geneva.

Above is a picture of me in front of St. Vitus Cathedral - or something. (You can tell I was really into all those churches.) More to come on the Prague trip...

p.s. Taking my homesickness all in stride, my fabulous friend Susan has inspired me to also appreciate the time I have here and the special opportunities to grow and make memories. Bring it on.

1 comment:

Sus K. said...

Awww, honey. I will remember the sweet soul of Ingee as well. I did not know her but I know she could have only been a kind, beautiful person. Cherish those wonderful memories you have of her. :)

Yes! I can't wait to read the entries to come. I know they will only get more exciting. I just know. Take a lot of pictures of the food, the people, and of you! I think you should post on flickr (, it's a picture portal. And, the first uploading of 200 pics is free.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow (I think it's night time right now). Miss you and love you!